Author Archives: jeremyassistant

Student Budget Tips

The reason why many students struggle financially is that they are out on their own for the first time, without their parents to pick up the tab. Even if student accommodation is paid for, spending money has to be well managed and monitored. Some students have jobs and some rely on loans, but no matter how they are funded budgeting is an important necessity for any student.

However, there are many budget hacks which students can use to make their dollars go further. Let’s have a look at some great ways to do just that.


Textbooks are something which students cannot go without, but buying new isn’t the only option. Instead of putting large amounts of cash on new textbooks, students can look to rent them from the library, find a downloadable online version or buy the books second hand. However, if you buy second hand from last year’s students, be sure that it is the latest version of the textbook.

Coupons and Deals

If you are going to go drinking then happy hour is the perfect time to do it and it is critical that you take advantage of as many savings and promos as you can. The same thing goes for grocery shopping, there are loads of coupons which you will find online, that can help you to save some serious cash on the essentials.

Paying the Bills

If money is tight then it is important that you don’t lose money unnecessarily. One way that can happen is if you don’t pay bills on time. A late payment fee can be very expensive for someone who is trying to watch their money. The same goes for interest payments on credit card bills. Stay organized and pay those bills early.

Buy a Bike

A bike is going to be a very smart investment and although you may feel as though you are shelling out some money, the savings over the long term will make it worthwhile. Most universities are well placed and you’ll find that many places you go to are within cycling distance. This will save you huge amounts on public transport and cabs.

Buddy Up The Bills

Don’t take on all of the bills in the student accommodation you are sharing, work with your roommates to split services up. For example, if you are going to get music and TV streaming services then take one each, this way you can all enjoy it without one person footing the whole bill.

Student Discounts

Student discounts are there to help and support you, make sure that you take advantage of as many as possible. Most students fail to do this because they simply aren’t aware of them. There is plenty of information online which you can find that will point you in the direction of all student deals available to you.

Finally the key to saving money during your time in uni accommodation is to be aware of all the money that you have coming in and out. The moment you begin to ignore it, is the moment that you will overspend.

Where Does Your College Tuition Actually Go?

College tuition is one of the things that many people have concerns about but don’t actually know a lot about. Of course, if you’re currently in college or interested in attending college, you’re more than likely going to have to pay at least some of your college tuition. The changes and growth in tuition have become a huge political and social discussion, especially in the last few years. However, even with all this discussion, you might not know a lot about college tuition. Here’s what you need to know about what your college tuition pays for.

What Does Your College Tuition Actually Pay For?

A Full Breakdown of College Tuition Spending

The United States Department of Education collects a variety of information on the ways in which colleges spend their money. By dividing college spending into a number of different categories, you can get a better understanding of the college’s priorities.

However, these numbers don’t always get the point across in the easiest way. You may want an easier breakdown of the ways in which colleges spend the money you pay them. Possibly the best way for you to understand is to consider the way a college would spend $100 of your money.

$61.46 of this $100 would go to direct education costs, which would play out like this:
$15.81 – Salaries
$11.47 – General Instruction Expenses
$9.61 – Auxiliary Student Enterprises
$8.26 – Academic Support
$8.15 – Institutional Support
$4.75 – Student Services
$3.41 – Grants and Financial Aid
These direct education costs are necessary for your college to function and provide you with the services you have available.

The other $38.54 of this $100 is less direct university costs, which typically plays out like this:
$15.58 – Hospitals and Healthcare
$11.66 – Research
$6.25 – Other, Including Taxes and Liabilities
$4.52 – Public Services
$0.53 – Independent Operations
With these two things combined, your university is able to function above and beyond just the basic functioning system that you expect from a college.

Private and Public College Tuition

The difference between private and public college tuition tends to be many thousands of dollars per year. According to the College Board, on average, private school tuition, fees, room, and board costs $27,920 more per year than public school, adding up to $111,680 more for a four-year degree.

There are also differences in where public and private schools use that tuition. Salaries and other instruction expenses tend to be about 2.5 times higher for private schools than public schools, matching up well to the 2.2 times higher tuition tends to be. However, grants to students are actually less widespread with private schools; public schools spend more than three times the amount that private schools do.


College tuition is different for every school across the country. When you look at just an aggregate average, you won’t be able to tell exactly what you’ll get from an individual college. However, one thing you will get is information about how school is becoming less affordable for most college-age students. Regardless of what you think the best choice for college tuition is moving forward, having this information can be incredibly useful when you start to talk about it with other people.

6 Things to Learn When Facing Radiation Therapy Treatment

Some people get worried when they hear that they have to undergo radiation treatment. This is because people will tell you some terrifying stories about the operation. Radiation therapy is a process involving x-rays of high-energy and even some particles used to eliminate cancer cells. We all know how dangerous cancer is. Now, let’s see 6 things to expect during radiation treatment.

Expect To Be Tattooed

Your affected area will be marked by a few dots. These dots look like tattoos, so if you have not been tattooed before you have to be ready for this. The dots will help the care team identify the affected area during the operation. Additionally, the dots will help the team line up the machine well with your tumour.

They will use a needle-like object which can be hurt. However, don’t worry because it does not hurt that much. You can live with the dots for the rest of your life. If you don’t like tattoos, this will be a must if you will undergo the operation.

It Hurts

Anything involving cutting is expected to hurt, and so is radiation therapy. This is one aspect that worries people the most. The interesting thing is that it does not hurt like cancer. So there is still some encouragement.

However, you need to have the courage to undergo the treatment for your good. The body will still hurt even after the treatment. The reason is that it’s like a wound and so obvious the wound hurts. Therefore don’t expect the pain to end at the operation centre.

Expect Side Effects

Though some side effects will remain in the rest of your life, it is better than to live with the deadly disease. The doctors may leave some implants in your body, which you will feel almost all the time. Some of the effects will involve some swelling which can be painful. You can even experience some blood and fluid flow.

Sometimes your skin can start to break down. The skin can even become sensitive. Sometimes the skin can even become red and have some open burns. However, this is not much price compared to the effects of cancer.

Visit Your Oncologist

It is good to know how your body reacts. This will determine if you can undergo radiation therapy treatment. Don’t listen to people too much because our bodies react in different ways. The doctor will give you details about the operation, and if you are right then you sign a document for the operation.

You have to know that radiation therapy treatment is a process of risk, and you have to consult your doctor first. Radiation therapy treatment should be taken very seriously to avoid further complications. Most people prefer to go for private radiation therapy treatment because they view it as safer. However, it will depend on your preparedness and your body reactions.

Punctuality and Timely

The radiation therapy process takes place differently according to how the patient is affected, and therefore the treatment process will also take different duration. It will be better to be punctual and timely. Additionally, since our bodies react and behave differently, this means the process will also be the same.

If your friend took a specific time, don’t expect yours to be the same. The doctor may tell you to arrive early to test some operation gowns, and you should not delay.

Special Considerations

There are some things you must not do when waiting for radiation therapy treatment. For instance, a woman is not expected to be pregnant during the operation. Furthermore, sexual activities are prohibited for both men and women even after the operation for some time.

The Penguin CBD Scholarship and the Benefits of Using CBD

The current options for treatment or relief from many chronic illnesses and conditions are provided by large pharmaceutical companies and although many are effective, they often cause other conditions that are life threatening.

This situation begs for new therapies and medicines are sorely needed. When these new choices are natural and without major side effects, it can create a better quality of life for millions of people around the world.

One of the most promising new classes of medicines are natural plant compounds. Leading the way in this area is the marijuana plant which has been found to offer compounds that can improve health. The most promising marijuana compound is called Cannabidiol or CBD, which is one of 113 isolated ‘cannabinoids’ found in the marijuana plant.

CBD is Growing in Popularity

CBD is an active, natural compound that has the medical community excited about its ability to help many who suffer from chronic illnesses and conditions. There has also been considerable clinical research on CBD has a long list of positive properties that are w especially helpful to people who suffer from anxiety, pain, depression, neurological issues, movement disorders and sleep challenges..

CBD is Being Studied Worldwide by the Medical Community

CBD is currently on of the most studied medical compounds because of the great promise it is showing to treat so many chronic illnesses. Researchers believe that the medical community has only scratched the surface in its ability as a treatment and every few months it seems some new benefit is discovered when CBD is used.

There is a particular focus on its ability to assist with depression and anxiety relief, and its use to diminish the symptoms of harsh medical treatments for cancer. CBD is not only showing great promise in these areas, millions are using CBD oil and CBD infused products every day as treatments.

Students in the Medical Profession are Being Offered Incentives by CBD Companies

Penguin CBD believes everyone should live a natural and healthy lifestyle. The company wants to pioneer a new generation of people living a preventative health care lifestyle. They plan on achieving this through the science, innovation and premium supplementation they are creating at Penguin CBD. They are obsessed with helping people feel great, look great and perform at their highest level.

To help invest in the future where this is possible, they have created the Penguin CBD Scholarship. This one time $1500 scholarship is open to any student who is currently enrolled in an accredited undergraduate, graduate, or professional program in the United States and to high school students who have been accepted to or are enrolled in an accredited program. The scholarship applicant must be interested in pursuing a healthcare major / career. All eligible candidates must be in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 or above.

The future of alternatives medicines is very bright because they offer effective treatment of a range of illnesses and diseases and create fewer and less harsh side effects on the person. CBD leads the way in terms of alternative medicines that are both extremely effective and very safe.

Teach to One – Jumping to New Ideas

Making the leap in the modern education system to new ideas is something that takes time to foster into the lives of others. Many stick to the afforded approach to education that has been featured for centuries as it is termed the benchmark for success. What underlies this demeanor is the approach flaws that exist. Most of the modernized teaching platforms do very little to ensure the success of all students. Keeping a single instructor to teach the minds of others only others for so many internal advancements due to the pace at which students learn. Some learning inhibitors prevent students from keeping pace with the pack, often falling behind in schooling due to simplistic ideas. If more students could be molded at a pace that was relevant to their learning styles, then all could advance on the same terms and teaching styles.

To better rewrite the approach to learning and to create the advancement terms needed to keep everyone on the same page, Teach to One created programs to learning. These programs involve changing the design of the modern classroom. Expansions are necessary to support this faction, so much funding goes into the creation and development of this platform. Most of this funding can be sought through the perspectives of school boosters, fund-raising campaigns, and the support of educational boards. Once secured, this money will be used to completely renovate and transform the classroom for positive learning standards. The Teach to One design creates a classroom that is resistant to failure and provides the stable atmosphere needed to adhere to all of the different frameworks of mind held within students.

One of the main regions of success within this program has been utilized in the state of New York. Educational boards and support systems have presented this idea to the general public and have been utilizing this platform as a source for education improvements for the past few years. The design remains simple, yet effective. The classroom design increases the surface area of usage space almost tenfold. Embarking on the size increase offers the designed space needed to foster these positive changes to the designated mean. Students are able to receive their action plan prior to entering the classroom.

A directive board is located outside of the classroom that pairs the student with a different form of learning each day. The subject matter that became the initial test platform for this learning development was mathematics. Students were broken into one of four different groups for a given day. One group applied their teachings to online learning courses that would challenge the mind with quick reaction problems. A second group would pair with other students and learn word problems with one another. The third was partnered with an instructor to develop the needed standards for one-on-one work. The last was a group that would center around practicality problems that would often take a few days to complete. Each different stage would pair the student to a different learning approach, centering around all aspects to ensure the correct path was selected for future usage. The design helped to pair the student with their desired learning platform, preventing the student from falling behind or chasing other students to keep up on their coursework.

The designs of the New Classrooms: Teach to One are meant to support all of the different facets of education. While mathematics was one of the initial testing components, the additional subject matter can be inserted into this systematic approach for excellence with a few tweaks. The program looks to foster a new approach to the modern systems of education. The school system must remain aboard the strive for it to function properly. Additional testing points will be released early this year to better help create this change throughout different regions of the globe.