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Master’s Degrees to Consider if You’re Looking for Long-Term Job Opportunities

If you’ve completed an undergraduate degree at college and are now thinking about taking on post-graduate studies, or if you have been in the workforce for a while and want to go back to school to get further educated, it can be rather tough trying to work out which program to enroll in.

Today, with the costs of study rising constantly, and with many industries in decline, you need to make your decision carefully so you spend not only your money but also your time and energy wisely. As such, it’s important to be on the lookout for degree options that will help you increase your job prospects as soon as you’ve graduated, and well into the future. Read on for a sample of good master’s degrees to consider.


A master’s degree in a field of engineering is a beneficial qualification to have, with engineers being in-demand around the world for all types of jobs. There are a variety of areas of engineering you can specialize in, but whether you choose to check out the best biomedical engineering schools or are keen on getting a post-graduate degree in civil, mechanical, chemical, electrical or other type of engineering, you should be set for years.

From a master’s degree, you’ll gain additional technical knowledge and skills which will set you up well for roles and help you enhance your safety record. The extra studies you complete will assist you to become a more reasoned, cautious and experienced engineer, as well as give you the chance to work on more intellectually challenging, and interesting, engineering projects.


While it has been a popular area of FAME (finance, accountancy, management and economics) studies for many years now, and known for providing good job prospects and pay, right now economics is growing further, for a variety of reasons.

For instance, students who study a master’s in economics will learn how to effectively work with and analyze big data sets, something that is particularly of-use in this tech-driven world. More and more companies across the globe are looking for people who can help them handle their digital information and make decisions based upon it. As such, being able to strategically utilize large amounts of data will certainly stand you in good stead for future roles.

Another reason why economics is big right now is because of the explosion in the global population. This, combined with the banking and other financial turmoil of the last decade, and the huge debt problems of a number of developed countries, has led many people to question the way economics has been approached for decades. As a result, if you complete a master’s in economics, you’ll be able to enter the arena at a time when fresher, more innovative ideas are welcome.

Computer Science

Of course, as you’d imagine, as our world relies more and more on computing breakthroughs and abilities, and technology continues to disrupt industries and change the way we live our lives, having a post-graduate qualification in computer science is a real boon.

The need for computer-savvy job candidates continues to grow and isn’t likely to abate any time soon. After all, businesses in every sector now rely upon technology at least to some degree. If you have a thorough understand of all the elements of computer science, then you’ll be able to work in tech firms and also for any other sort of business that needs your skills.

Plus, with cybercrime such an issue, and something that isn’t likely to go away, people who have trained in computer science can get jobs as security specialists, for both government organizations and private firms.


A Master’s in Business Administration continues to draw in huge numbers of students because it’s easier than ever for people to become entrepreneurs. Plus, there is more focus on the world of business management and the rise of entrepreneurial superstars, so increasing numbers of people wish to further their skills in business and hopefully follow in the footsteps of well-known leaders.

An MBA is a highly flexible degree, which allows students to learn about and acquire skills in various subjects such as leadership, finance, accounting, sales, marketing, technology, international markets and the like. Being qualified in this area has helped many students to go on not just to earn a lot more during their careers but also to have more career stability. In addition, completing an MBA opens up opportunities to work in varied and interesting fields and diverse geographical locations.

Oops moment you want to avoid when involved in a video meeting…

When it comes to communicating with one another, human beings can be very awkward. Not all the time of course, but often enough someone says something or does something that just makes others feel uncomfortable. Depending on the means of communication, these instances can be incredibly awkward, slightly annoying or somewhere in between. Talking face-to-face is the most effective means of communication possible, but it’s also where people can mess up and cause discomfort for others. Alternatively, chatting online or texting doesn’t have nearly the same impact for the same transgression. Companies use things like CIPHR HR Software to lessen the awkwardness of communication with others while boosting productivity, but sometimes, good ole’ person-to-person interactions is the only way to get things done.

Face-to-face communication is the top of the hierarchy of potentially awkward situations, but video meetings can make a close second (phone calls are up there too, but at least an awkward silence during a phone call doesn’t entail actually seeing the other person). Video meetings and conferencing can be used for a multitude of different tasks, school, personal and business related. Yet awkward situations can arise in either instance. Avoiding uncomfortable situations while on a video call with friends or family is not usually a big deal (it’s mainly a personal desire to avoid the situation and most often doesn’t incur significant consequences). But committing an error in social custom, business etiquette or any other unwritten code of conduct while participating in a business meeting can have dire consequences.

business suit

What to Do If You Mess up

The fact of the matter is, you will make a mistake at some point; everyone does. Depending on the circumstances the initial mistake is often not the problem; the real problem usually comes from how the person who makes the mistake handles the aftermath. It’s important to put things in perspective, according to Psychology Today. Quite often, the mistake you made is not serious and chances are many people might not even notice it. But if someone does notice, you should remember that what’s done is done, and you can’t change the past. What you can do, however, is apologize, especially if what you did had any negative effect on the situation. In addition, laughing at yourself is a great way to ease the tension and set the other person at ease, as long as the circumstances are conducive to a laugh. Whatever you do, do not try to make excuses; most people will see right through them and this will make the situation worse by showing you to be unwilling to own up to your own mistakes. Of course, there are some gaffes you could commit that might be unfixable, period, especially if you’re in a business situation. But for the most part, as long as you think before you speak and don’t do anything that could be construed as offensive, any awkward situations created by your actions should be easy enough to laugh off or apologize away as long as you are sincere.

Avoiding the Situation in the First Place

While everyone is human and everyone makes mistakes, trying to avoid committing them in the first place is your best plan of action. When in meetings, either face-to-face or video conference via Blue Jeans Network, it’s incredibly important to hold yourself in a way that tells your bosses you are paying attention, listening and focused on what is being discussed, according to Today. Body language is incredibly telling, according to Nonverbal Group. Anywhere from 60 to 90 percent of communication is transmitted through nonverbal cues. This means that the way you move, your facial expressions, your hand movements, leg jitters and any other body movement can communicate your mood and interest in a conversation. This can be good or bad depending on multiple variables like who you’re talking to, what you’re talking about, how lenient that person is and plenty more. Self-control is important, so make sure you are capable of it. If you’re ever unsure of your ability to hold your own during a video meeting, then it can be useful to practice. It’s actually a very mature and responsible habit to practice speaking or acting for when you might be in an interview or video meeting. It may be clichéd, but practice does make perfect. It’s also incredibly important to keep calm; don’t let any small mistakes or your nerves distract you, and if you do make a mistake just get over it and move on, according to US News. Look directly into the camera. You can’t actually have eye contact through a video screen, but looking through the camera instead of the screen will show the other person you are intent, focused and interested. If you are participating in the meeting or interview from home, make sure you wear appropriate clothing; showing up on screen in a t-shirt is not a good idea. And above all, watch your language; not just swearing, but any slang or jargon that might be seen as either immature or overly casual will not help you at all.