Comparing College Students to Toddlers
To check out the number of similarities between toddlers and college students, looked into the comparisons between both and you can see from their fun infographic that students are just over grown toddlers when they are in college!
Check out some of the similarities, sound familiar?
Sleep all day
Eat weird food
Like being nude
Easily disorientated
Live in chaos
Dubious clothing choices
Poor conversation skills
Sleep anyplace uncomfortable
Mark Pearson from My Voucher Codes talked about the comparisons, he said:
“Starting college is an exciting time for many young adults and for most it will be the first time they are away from their parents and essentially fending for themselves. Meeting new people, drinking and staying up all night are rites of passage for many students and something which takes a while to get used to. But their behaviours can be seen to be similar to toddlers. “
He added:
“Incidentally, although many students are prone to making mistakes at this age, many wouldn’t’ change the experience they had at college, even if they probably should have studied harder. For visiting parent’s it could be noted that student digs resembled their children’s bedrooms when they were toddlers; messy and disorganised!”