Tag Archives: stress
7 Ways that Acting can Change your Life
Being a college student can be overwhelming at times. You need to have a strong sense of independence, be prepared to meet lots of new people, and be ready to present in front of large crowds. Not every person feels totally natural in this type of environment, and maybe even feels like they lack the confidence to put themselves out there. If you are a little bit shy, or introverted, you can always try to learn new ways to open yourself up. A great way to test your social boundaries is to try acting classes! One of the reasons why college is so amazing, is because you have so many opportunities there to grow and learn more about yourself. Don’t stop yourself from reaching your true potential because of fear. Acting classes can be an amazing way to grow your self-confidence and enjoy every college moment to its fullest. Still a skeptic? We asked the performance arts specialists at Polish your Passion for their expert opinion. Here are 7 reasons why they think acting classes can change your life:
Safe environment: Worried about someone judging you? You can feel safe and assured in an acting class to be as wild, or as tame as you want. Everyone there is looking to explore their boundaries, you can feel free to get as weird as you want – you might learn that you aren’t so different from everyone else
Raise your voice: Getting loud and vocal might seem like a strange benefit, but for people who are shy and introverted the thought to scream out can be pretty daunting. Acting requires you to take on different roles and characters, and in order to bring those characters to life you need to embody their emotions. If a character is in a rage, you need to scream out to match. For those who are soft spoken, this exercise can build awareness about using volume efficiently. You need to command attention from people when you speak, you can’t be afraid to use your voice.
Stress Relief: Big exam coming up? Fight with a friend? There are countless reasons why you might need to blow off a little steam. In an acting class, you can jump into a character and explore your emotions. Maybe you’ll gravitate to a character that grieves, allowing you to really cry. You can use this opportunity to really get in touch with how you’re feeling and express it.
Meet new people: Joining an acting class can expose you to totally new people! You’re already interested in trying the same activity – it’s the perfect ice breaker to start talking with someone. Acting classes put a heavy emphasis on breaking down awkwardness between people. You will be pushed to socialize and interact with strangers – but in a fun and open way.
Body Language: Acting can help you brush up on your body language skills. No more walking with your head down, or avoiding eye contact. You will be encouraged to stand tall and engage people with your body. You might do an activity where you sit in a circle and can only communicate with your eyes. It might feel weird at first, but it will teach you to feel comfortable looking at someone’s face – accepting a stare and sending one back.
Public Speaking: You might take on Hamlets soliloquy and be on the stage all by yourself. This will be the ultimate test for a shy person who doesn’t like to speak in front of a crowd. You can use acting classes to perform in front of an audience of friends who won’t judge you for your mistakes. Practice ultimately does make perfect! Use acting classes as an opportunity to build your confidence and nail your future presentations.
Have fun: One of the best reasons to try acting lessons is to have fun. Who knows, acting lessons might end up being something you are really passionate about! You can learn a new skill, and boost your self-esteem, simply because you know you challenged yourself.
College is the perfect place to open yourself up and take chances. With a few acting classes, you can gain the confidence and self-esteem to take on new challenges. If you are still a little too shy to go into an acting class, you can start with some acting lessons online. Once you feel more comfortable, work your way over to an acting studio. Trust me, you won’t regret it!